Re: Besides Milk Thistle what else to clean liver and blood?
Hey Ali,
Thanks for the tips.
But its amazing how for every method to achieve something there is always someone saying that that method is just a myth.
Let me make something clear too. I am NOT on a low carbs diet. It's a HI carbs, HI protein. The protein IS necessary for bulking up, muscle is made of protein metabolized.
The mister universe can be a frutarian but he takes steroids to bulk up. EVERY, I mean EVERY one of those big bodybuilders take STEROIDS. It's impossbile to be that big without taking them.
Just to show what I said about truths and myths. Another famous diet doctor said that fruits should be avoided. You see what I mean. There are versions and versions of hoe to have a health nutrition.
I will have to keep the high protein and carbs diet. So what I have to do is find a way to balance it with other things like herbs and vegetables to help my liver. I believe that it's possbile to balance anything and that's why I am posting a lot here.
I hope people will help me to achieve this goal.
Thanks everybody.