I'm in last stage Lyme Disease and it's NO LAUGHING MATTER! I went undiagnosed for 3 years by doctors who didn't WANT to see what was wrong so told me it was all in my head! I went from being perfectly healthy to flat on my back, unable to work and applying for Social Security Disability. I face months and maybe years of treatment including surgery to remove dead tissue.
If you suspect your mom has Lyme's Disease, HAVE HER GET CHECKED! There is no definitive test that will tell you 100% if it's Lyme Disease or not. But the first blood tests she show have are ELISA and Western Blot.
And yes, you're right about doctors being in it for the money! My husband and I are now suing the clinic that misdiagnosed me and we are in debt $40,000 + due to all the useless tests they ran when ALL the symptoms were staring them right in the face!