What is Asthma
How Does Asthma Occur
Causes of Asthma
Children and Asthma
Symptoms of Asthma
Prevention of Asthma
What Can Homoeopathy Do
Kof..Kof...Kof…Achoo, Achoo…
Well, sounds familiar if you are a kith and kin of asthmatics. It is difficult to say who suffers more whether the patient himself or the near and dear who see the respiratory distress of the patient with Asthma. That is how hard it seems to take each breath during an acute attack of this disease.
Asthma is an inflammatory disorder of the airways characterized by wheezing, shortness of breath, congestion of chest and coughing.
Depending on the type of causation or genesis of Asthma it is broadly said to be of two types.
There is a hypersensitivity of the bronchial system and can be caused by any one of the following reasons.
Genetic predisposition is a must for the occurrence of Non allergic Asthma. The acute attacks could be triggered by:
Due to the hypersensitivity of the individual the above triggers lead to release of histamine from the inner bronchial wall which leads to constriction of the bronchioles and thereby an attack of Asthma.
Allergic Asthma:
Asthma in children has always been common but if the recent spurt in the number of cases is anything to go by we are in an urgent need to look at the causes. The increase in pollution in the cities and children traveling to schools and being exposed to atleast an hour in the day in the traffic and sedentary and indoor activities like playing on the computer, eating high calorie foods like potato chips, downing colas (refrigerated) in air-conditioned environments has all contributed to the increased preponderance of asthma in children. Now this is the most common chronic disease in children.
But then the good news, asthma in children is reversible if proper care and treatment are given at the right time.
Breathlessness, cough and wheeze are the symptoms of Bronchial Asthma.
Some of the common Homoeopathic remedies which help in abating the attack and preventing further episodes are discussed here.
ARSENIC ALB is prescribed for patients with cough and breathlessness at 12 midnight.
ARSENIC IOD is indicated in patients who suffer from chronic Bronchitis or Pneumonia and seem to develop Asthma secondary to the same.
ANTIMONIUM TART is for both children and old aged when there is accumulation of mucus in the lungs with a characteristic sound of rattling, this medicine relieves it.
BLATTA in mother tincture form is indicated when cough, breathlessness are severe i.e. in acute cases of Asthma.
CARBO VEG is indicated is for acute attacks with wheezing and rattling of mucus in the chest and the patient feels better by fanning.
Laryngitis with cough for a long time when it settles down in the lungs causing asthma like symptoms IODUM is the remedy.
IPECACUANHA is indicated in patients with wheezing cough and breathlessness with constriction in the chest which relieves an acute attack of asthma.
KALI CARB is indicated in patients with cough at about 3 a.m. and has to sit in the bed as breathlessness gets worse.
LOBELIA INFLATA is for senile people with breathlessness with constriction of the chest.
NATRUM SULPH is indicated in patients who develop asthma living in basements, cellars with lack of proper ventilation and have attacks worse between 4-5 a.m. in the morning.
PULSATILLA is indicated in patients with heartburn, eructation’s develop cough and wheeze with copious mucus expectoration are cured of by this medicine.
SILICEA cures breathlessness and cough with bloody and purulent expectoration who develop an attack on slightest exposure to cold.
SULPHUR is prescribed in patients with loose cough worse during morning hours and breathlessness at midnight compelling the patient to sit up for relief.
THUJA is good to relieve asthma of children who develop it on exposure to slightest stimuli causing sneezings and later on wheeze.
Dr. Venugopal Gouri
Consultant Homeopath
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