Day 2 was a transformation...It went from waking up and deciding whether my headache was gone from day 1 or if it was just sore from pounding sooooooo damn bad that day before and during the night. With that aside, at about 1:30pm I started feeling like I came out of the "fog" and REALLY woke up...since then I have felt like any other normal day and probably better...I noticed that I wasn't tired driving into work this morning. My stomach growled yesterday, once. I find that I am obsessing with food...taking a hot dog that I bbq'd for my daughter last night and sniffed it until the smell was gone...I took a miniscule piece of quesadilla ....the size of my nail, chewed was heaven....then I quickly spit it out...felt ashamed...then forgave myself and moved forward...I don't crave food..but has anyone noticed how much of our lives revolve around food???? That is incredible....let's go to lunch...let's go to dinner..."What are you doing for dinner?"...."Want to come over & bbq?"...But I keep telling myself that it's a sacrafice that I can do for a very short amount of time...Think I'm doing 10, but may shoot for 16. Oh, weight loss chart...
Day 1 = 7
Day 2 = 2
Total= 9
Good luck everyone...I'd love to hear how other day 3'ers did.