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Re: Body becomes even more sensitive

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Andreas Moritz Views: 3,109
Published: 19 y
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Re: Body becomes even more sensitive

Dear Hildegard,

Whereas it is perfectly natural for the body to reject any foods that don't have any real value for the body (no life force as in the case of micro-wave and pre-cooked foods)or that contain drug additives like MSG that upset the body's basic matabolism, we cannot always avoid them. People whose basic survival mechanisms are already impaired suffer much fewer complaints after eating carcinogenic foods (like French fries), if any, than those whose body is cleansed and more sensitive to things that interfere with its functioning. A more refined body versus crude, congested physiology has its defense mechanisms still intact and the advantage of averting a future chronic illness. Obese people, for example, are more likely in the mode of accumulating toxins and waste than releasing these. This keeps normal healing reactions at bay. Disease is just another word for healing response. Truly healthy react to something harmful almost immediately.

There are more and more places that cater for people like us, but certainly not enough. Until this changes, it is a social pitfall not being able to indulge in what the masses consume. However, don't underestimate the power that you are made of. You don't just absorb energy from the environment, through the air, food, water, Chi, etc., but also radiate energy into the environment through your aura, eyes, the sounds you make, and the thoughts and intentions you generate.

I personally acknowledge the presence of chemicals in foods when I eat out, here or during my travels, but I am not afraid of them. Instead of seeing how much harm a certain food could do me, I imagine how much good it will do me. To surround and pentrate my meal with my own energy field and thought-power I simply express my gratitude to the food (silently or vocally)and thereby raise the food's energetic value. You know when people say things like "I love this food" or "what a wonderful meal" the food becomes much more digestible. It is not just the love energy and skill of the cook that makes the food so "special", but also the positive energy transmitted by the person who eats it. If the cook doesnt't cook the food with love, as it happens in most restaurants nowadays, the food will not vibrate on a high enough level to create health and vitality in the consumer. However, you can "rescue" the food by exposing it to your own loving energy. If I happen to eat something that I know has lost all its energy or goodness, I place my hand over it for a few seconds, and/or say a "thank you" or "I love you" to the food as I chew or swallow it.

We all can transform chemicals and poisons to a certain degree when we lose our fear of them. The atoms that make up MSG can also be found in foods like almonds or coconut. However the information and energy patterns are different. We have the ability to alter both the energy and information change of the food. To find proof for this, take a look at the water crystal pictures in Masaru Emoto's book "The Hidden Messages in Water." Instead of expressing fear about the foods that you eat, show these foods your love and appreciation. This way you can turn poison into nectar. Guten Appetit!


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