Any advice will be appreciated
Hi guys,
Thanks for picking up the slack for Andreas. I was hoping to get some tips on what I should do next.
My problem is a chronic digestive disorder and my symptoms include the following: candida, brain fog, anxiety, fatigue, white coating on tongue, etc. All the problems that many of you are familiar with.
So far I have done the following: 18 liver flushes(all spaced either 2 or 3 weeks apart and followed by professionally administered colonics), I have followed the Ayurvedic lifestyle for a Pitta type, since August 2004(I kid you not) I have eaten nothing but Lundberg Farms Organic White Basmati Rice, steamed vegetables, Purity Farms Ghee, and fruit.(in the morning by itself) I have only cheated once and that was to have some organic Amish chicken. I do not drink anything with my meals, and I wait the recommended periods of time before and after meals to drink. All my water is bottled or filtered, my to bed and to rise times are in sync with the recommendations, I have done one kidney cleanse by the book and have gone through two more batches of the tea drinking it sporadically, I have probably spent over $1,000 in the past 16 months on colonics, I eat at the proper times, and I exercise in the mornings when I can in addition to working a job where I walk alot.
My improvement has been up and down. Feelings have run the gamut. I have felt everything from extreme anger and guilt to short periods of what would best be described as bliss.
But, lately I have been more down than up although the protocol hasn't changed one single bit. I have actually broken out in hives for the first time in my life and it's gotten to the point where I have actually rubbed myself raw in several areas. I'm guessing that this has something to do with the weather but I have lived in the same climate all of my life and have never had this problem.
Also, does anybody see a problem with the lack of variety in my diet. Please understand that I spent a long time looking for foods that agree with me and I have finally found one that does.(the rice) It does get boring I guess but boring is better than the alternative for me.
I am a 30 year old male.
Any advice out there. Is there anything else I should do, or not do? Thanks in advance for your answers.