Re: Chemical taste, need help please
Hi Mage, your body is obviously under a lot of stress. Dry mouth and lack of taste and smell are symptoms of adrenal and thyroid stress. It's possible or even probable that you still have mercury in your body (in the tissues/glands) and that is causing the bad taste. Certainly a metallic taste (is the taste metallic?) is a symptom of mercury toxicity and lack of smell and taste are due to zinc deficiency (mercury displaces zinc). So it's possible that you need to do some chelation
Andreas would suggest liver flushing and colon cleansing as if the liver is under stress it will produce less bile (bile and skin are main the routes that mercury leaves the body). By flushing this will improve the liver's ability to get rid of toxic metals. He would also suggest doing 1-2 pascalite clay (from baths (to help remove metals) so you could try that. Leave a 1-2 months between baths.
HOWEVER, other people would say liver flushing is dangerous for mercury toxic people. I would find out as much info as possible before taking actioin. I'd strongly suggest you visit (a very good support group for mercury toxic people) and maybe also the dentistry amalgam forum here on CZ.
In the meantime you could just try some vitamin C and perhaps a mild adrenal support herb eg gota kola or ashwagandha to help you feel less stressed. Also it might be worth noting how you react after eating high sulphur foods (eggs, garlic, broccolli) ie if your symptoms get worse after these foods. Sulphur foods can cause problems for some merc toxic people.
Take care