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What exactly does a bowel cleanse do??
espresso Views: 978
Published: 20 y

What exactly does a bowel cleanse do??

The colon is not an area of major digestive function and reabsorption. Aside from vitamin B, K, and folic acid production, and some electrolyte activity, the major digestive processes occur in the small intestines.

So, with a cleanse you release mucus and plagues. But we often talk about reabsoption of toxins. Does the large intestine have the ability to really reabsorb them? Toxins are often failry large molecules. Can they pass the barriers of the colon, given that the colon inself lacks major reabsortive and digestive function?

Those toxins that we are supposed to release, where are they coming from? Are they stored in mucus plagues?

And finally, can you do a Liver Flush and Bowel Cleanse at the same time?

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