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Re: Closed minded people
Serenitii7 Views: 4,006
Published: 21 y
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Re: Closed minded people

Shawn I loved your remarks. You are so right! lol It gets me tickled reading what you've written because I can so much relate to it.

I've heard the same little comments when I'm going through this and not feeling well, but more in terms of... "you'd better be careful," and things of that nature. But now I can say that I spoke with the Doctor, she agrees with cleansing your body, and she agrees with the P and B drinks. I tried questioning her in my case as to how xrays were showing my intestines and colon as being full if I'd been cleansing for a couple of weeks. I even told her that for the last few days I'd been on a liquid diet and even done enemas and the olive oil, lemon juice, Epsom Salt and Sea Salt drink. She had no answers needless to say.

I asked her this for a response but I already knew the answer, which is simple, the walls of my intestines and colon had build up throughout, exactly what everyone is talking about here. I hadn't had a chance to rid my body of this yet because my methods were a little different than the normal way everyone else here was going about it. This was only because of my severe asthma/bronchitis/pneumonia and I couldn't wait that long to start seeing results.

So if others choice not to listen, I hope their health will be good, but when they feel so bad and change their minds and want to know more, I'm happy to talk to them and help in whatever way I can.

Thanks everyone for all of your support, your thoughts, your suggestions, and sharing your experiences and results. Its all so important to everyone that does come across this site and decide to make a change in their life and improve their health. I just can't say enough good about curezone and the people that use this site.



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