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rayjay Views: 11,769
Published: 21 y
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Re: Thank You for your Inquiry.

After reading your post I would say you should increase your water intake by at least 2 more glasses. The typical green tea has caffeine which is a no-no and if it is decaf then that was likely done by a chemical process which means your adding toxins back in to your system while your trying to clean them out.

And if your not doing the SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) then you should do lax tea at bedtime and upon waking. AS far as content of the BMs your not likely to get much of anything out but the water/lemonade your putting in. There will be some stuff (I've heard it referred to as 'chaf') in the output but nothing solid. Whatever the lemonade is able to break up should be eliminated. The bulk of any toxins will be in the liquid.

Exercise is very important to you fast or otherwise. It is important to know that when you exercise your body often will reach a plateau. This is generally due to your body becoming accustomed to your routine at which point you no longer improve, you just stay at the same level of fitness. There are many ways to get off the plateau. One is to change your routine by trying new forms of exercise. Another is to change the intensity and/or duration of your current routine. Running is a great cardio workout. I have no experience with the Gazelle but saw an ad for one once. I would tell you that in general, an aerobic type exercise doesn't begin to feed off your fat stores until you've been going about 20 minutes. Up until that point your are using stored glycogen. So when you do cardio work it is important how long you work out after the first 20 minutes. So basically on your current routine you are burning fat for 10 minutes. Aerobic exercise also only really burns fat while your doing the exercise. Once you stop the movement and your body recovers to a resting state, your metabolism steadily returns to its normal resting state. The only way to increase your resting metabolism is to build muscle. You don't need to go get a gym membership to do it. You can make real progress by doing some simple moves using your own body weight. Two excellent moves are squats and pushups. If you're not familiar with them you can probably find pictures of the movements on the net. These are very old exercises and what is really cool is you don't need any special equipment or a special place to do them. Nor do you need a spotter. Pushups can build your chest, shoulders, back and arm muscles. Squats build your thighs, calves, butt and lower back.
These exercises will not turn you into the HULK but will make your core strength increase and that is what you need. DO as many reps of each as you can. Do them every other day. You can also add some moves to your ab routine. Crunches by themselves won't do much. Add some leg lifts and bicycles. Do as many of each as you can without stopping. No rest in between. Do those every other day as well. When you work your muscles they need a day to recover and rebuild. This allows the growth. Otherwise you just tear them down and you get no return. Also you risk injury. YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIFT IRON!!!!

If you have time, do resistance training every other day and do your cardio routine on the days off. That way you move everyday and allow for recovery all the way around. Be patient and kick some butt. Give yourself weeks and you will notice the improvements and you will get totally syched.

Best Wishes on your journey.


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