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Warts & Tinnitus: My experience with essiac tea
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Warts & Tinnitus: My experience with essiac tea

My experience with Essiac tea:

Two years ago I developed what first appeared to be a wart on my nose. It grew bigger and uglier over then next month. A dermatologist diagnosed it as first stage cancer. She wanted to cut a piece of my nose off. I decided to look into other possibiliies.

I took Essiac and after several weeks (just as I was beginning to think it didn't work) the "wart" started to appear dry and crusty. Two days later it simply fell off, no scar, no reoccurrence ...nothing.

I also found that the brain tumor surgery-related tinnitus (ringing in the ear) that I'd had for over a dozen years had also disappeared. That seemed to back up many of the anecdotal reports I'd read and heard. So I started my mother on it.

Her doctor had told her that her age-related tinnitus was untreatable and that she'd soon go deaf. Several days after drinking Essiac she called to let me know her tinnitus had completely disappeared, it hasn't returned since (a year later).

I'm NOT selling this stuff, and I don't think anything is a magic bullet for everyone, but just about any protocol for cancer I've read that embraces "alternative" solutions usually includes essiac (unless it's contraindicated with specific treatments like Cantron/Cancell).

There's an excellent book on essiac called The Essiac Report by Richard Thomas (published by the Alternative Treatment Network, Los Angeles, CA 1993). It backs up what I'd read in other sources that JFK's physician had publicly announced that essiac cured his colon cancer in the early 60s.

The best price I've found is Mother Earth Herb
( but you have to prepare it yourself. For convenience you could buy the bottled Flor-essence by Flora, Inc available in most healthfood stores (best price is online from Vitamin Shoppe). My mother uses Flor-essence, I never have.

My success was with Resperin's product (aka Essiac International), but I've switched to Mother Earth. Depends on whether you want to pay much higher prices for prepared essiac or make it yourself for much less.

It may interest you to know that the University of Texas--Houston is now conducting a longitudinal study on essiac.

my 2 cents,
Bill Bill Asenjo, bt survivor, PhD candidate, CRC


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