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anaemia & homoeopathy
drvenugopal Views: 5,159
Published: 21 y

anaemia & homoeopathy



It affects about 30 percent of our population and is the most common of all the ailments recorded. It reduces the work capacity of individuals and entire populations, bringing serious economic consequences and obstacles to national development. Conversely, treatment can raise national productivity levels by 20%. Overall, it is the most vulnerable, the poorest and the least educated who are disproportionately affected and it is they who stand to gain the most by its reduction

Granted that India is shining now, just imagine what it could be with this development. There would be more ‘Infosys’ stories around.

Well, we are talking about Anaemia and if treated properly which is effective and inexpensive can reduce the statistics of overall death rates, maternal haemorrhage, reduced school performance and lowered productivity and thereby bring a dream to reality.


  • Anaemia means a deficiency of red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to all the tissues of the body wherein there is combustion of sugar and fat to produce energy for the body requirements. The inane carbon-dioxide is taken back by the corpuscles to the lungs for exchange of gases by breathing. When the red blood corpuscles are reduced in number or the haemoglobin which is the active content is insufficient it is called as Anaemia.
  • For the body to develop a red blood corpuscles whose average life is hundred days, it needs Iron, Vitamin B12 and Folic acid, the deficiency of any leads to Anaemia.
  • Iron Deficiency Anaemia could result if there is insufficient dietary intake of iron, increased demand in circumstances like pregnancy, blood loss in diseases like peptic ulcers, piles, cancer etc. Also if the stores of iron are not being utilized due to diseases like kidney failure, rheumatoid arthritis etc.
  • Vitamin B12 is necessary for the formation of haemoglobin and it leads to anaemia if there is insufficient intake or improper assimilation due to lack of specific factor absorbing it in the intestine due to conditions like Crohn’s disease etc.
  • Folic acid intake and absorption when insufficient also leads to anaemia.
  • There are also other times of anaemia like Thalassaemia where the haemoglobin is immature, haemolytic anaemia where the shape of red blood cells is erratic and is destroyed by the spleen early and aplastic anaemia where there is insufficient production of the blood components.


  • Tiredness, palpitation, shortness of breath, dizziness are common.
  • Chest pain, headache, pain in the lower limbs on slightest exertion.
  • Reduced sense of taste, symptoms of nervous system and psychological symptoms also do occur.


An appropriate diet is the prime feature in treating anaemia. Iron is rich in cereals, broccoli, spinach, whole-wheat bread, fresh green leafy vegetables, dry fruits, eggs, liver, fish. Liver, fish and eggs are good sources of Vitamin B12. For vegetarians yeast extract is a good source. Folic acid is abundant in green leafy vegetables. It is only in conditions of deficiency where the intake is insufficient for a very long time supplements are given.

Homoeopathy has good remedies to see that the necessary elements are properly absorbed by the body and assimilation is corrected thereby tackling anaemia and this way even the supplements are put to good use.


ARSENIC ALB improves the vitality by improving the lost weight and impaired nutrition predominantly due to Iron deficiency anaemia.
CALCAREA PHOS is for anaemia during pregnancy and adolescence where there is an increase in demand of nutrients.
NATRUM MUR improves the blood counts which are low due to conditions like Rheumatoid arthritis, kidney disease etc.
PHOSPHORUS coaxes the bone marrow to produce more red blood cells by stopping fatty degenerative changes.
SULPHUR cures the infectious diseases like worms etc. and improves anaemia.

Dr. Venugopal Gouri
Consultant Homeopath



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