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Re: symptoms? increased reactions with aluminum

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Re: symptoms? increased reactions with aluminum

Yes I went to Dr Morales. I had all my mercury out thanksgiving weekend, then went back christmas eve eve and had my root canal out and wisdom cavitations checked. I was very nervous going in, but had the IV sedations so it ended up being a breeze. Seemed like less than an hour in the chair and was there 4.5 hrs first day.
The numbing started wearing off so they stopped for the day and asked if I could come back in morning to finish. I had planned to be there two days so was ok. I got so worked up thinking about having my root canal pulled that I chickened out the next day and only let them finish the one Amalgam they didnt get to day before. We had to head home (it was Christmas eve) so Edgar (other dentist in office) adjusted my bite the best he could while I was still numb, felt good when I left but was off when the numbness wore off a couple hours later. So make sure you have time to have it checked while you are not numb, even if you have to hang around for a couple more hours.

When I came back in December, I was really nervous about having my root canal tooth pulled since I didnt want to add the expense of the IV sedation again. I was shaking again and they were patient and nice (while I fussed and squirmed) but I took a valium type pill and that was enough to relax me. That and some long overdo prayer on the matter calmed me enough that I didnt even get nervous when my root canal tooth got stubborn and didnt want to come out. I had no pain either time, except for a little bit from the first shot.

One of my wisdom cavitations was pretty bad with dead bone and under my root canal. I only had a slight dull ache afterward(which I am a whimp so was not much more than some pressure) and one advil was enough to make it go away. I only took advil for two days I think. I ate milkshakes and soft food only because the thought of something getting stuck in my tooth hole made me queezy hahah.

Within a day or two of having the Amalgams out, my energy returned a lot. I had been needing afternoon naps almost every day for a year, but have only had two or three since Thanksgiving, mainly due to staying up past midnight! I can again go most the day getting stuff done, where before I might last a hour at a time, but definitely trying to go all day wore me out. I spent most the time on a bench if we went to the fair or amusement park. This had started about 5 yrs ago and steadily gotten worse. (had an episode with aluminum that almost did me in) Seems mercury toxicity amplifies other toxins!

I have also noticed I am not as stiff or sore joints as often, my digestion might be a little better, but not sure as still I get dehydrated easily, always have, and that causes problems I think arent related to the tooth stuff.

Im still hoping my memory comes back as it has been fading for about 3 yrs, but a friend here in Fresno says its the smog doing it to us. We will see if I start having good memory again.

I am trying to chelate with cilantro, garlic, and chlorella, but havent done every day as also trying to build back up my needed minerals too. My dr wants to put me on weekly Vit C IV and DMSA, but I told him I wanted to wait. I plan to take the mercury test again to see how much left when I had fillings removed and did the natural chelation. If still very much will do the drs route.

Hope this helps,



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