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Re: Dr. Morales in Tijuana
tobi Views: 6,775
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 34,722

Re: Dr. Morales in Tijuana

Thanks for the nice comments. Glad you found some
use to those old posts.

I don't feel negatively towards Morales. He could be good...

All I know is that Dr.Huggins office advised me (and some others on this forum) not to go to Morales. Huggins is the dentist that really exposed the Amalgam issue in the USA. Personally I trust him over "biker-chick".

Go to Huggins website, his phone is posted there, and give him a call. To ask about dentists and dentist referrals is free. It is a big busy office so you won’t get Huggins on the line but one of his assistants.

I don't give people the 3rd degree so I don't know why... but they
were very clear that Morales is not a good doctor. They said something about some troubles in the past... They didn't elaborate. I suspect they were cautious about possible legal implications.

I suspect the one day procedure which flies in the face of any protocol
be it IAOMT, DAMS or what not, is a huge part of it. But I got the impression that there is a lot more to it.

If you want to know why, ask Morales. I and some others have asked bikerchick (his sales person/ assistant?) this on the forum and since she has not appeared...


I just wanted to add that you can find a better dentist in the USA, closer to you. Also, frankly it will be cheaper. The going price is 80-120/tooth filling. Once you factor in air, hotel, food, what not... Morales is more expensive. The 2 other HUGE benefits of doing it close to your city is that you can do it safely, over a period of months. This is the only way to do it if you don't want to risk ending up like the guy who was rushed to the hospital because the mercury was eating his heart and his colon following a 1 day rush removal. 2nd, almost everyone needs to go back a 2nd, 3rd or even 4th time to get the bite right or fix some other problem. I am not sure if you got to doing some research on the "technical" aspects of composite placement but it is extremely difficult to get it "right". Expect that you'll have to go back.



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