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Clinics in Tijuana
kdiamonds44 Views: 5,252
Published: 21 y

Clinics in Tijuana

I just called the Huggins referral line and found that Dr Morales isn't one of their referrals. The only one they recommend in Tijuana is the American Bio-Dental Center. Has any one been there and how was your experience. They are sending me out the compatability kit and hair analysis kits today. I need to go soon as I can get these tests done and get a panoramic ex-ray done and sent to them. I have root canals which I know have to come out and several teeth that are killing me. Has anyone had the root canals done? How did you do with the temporary teeth? I am scared to death of dentists, thats why its been so long since I have been to one. Also is it hard to get a dentist to do a panoramic ex-ray when you tell them you need it for a dentist in Tijuana?
Thanks for any help,


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