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How I cured stage 4 Stomach Cancer: (Reposting)
canadian yoda Views: 151,199
Published: 21 y

How I cured stage 4 Stomach Cancer: (Reposting)

Hello All

I am re-posting my story which is now in the archives as I have seen several postings asking for help re stomach cancer etc. This message was first posted many months ago and I would like to add that my last CT scan still shows absolutley NO CANCER, in fact the oncologist told me to not bother with another scan for 6 months ( I guess he's getting bored looking for things that aren't I am posting a web address that has lots of information and a supply of the herbals I took, my wife started this site in March after being asked by so many people about my recovery and where to obtain the teas, she spent many long hours tracking down the very best sources of the tea and making sure it was of premium quality.( in fact every batch is lab tested), you may find it cheaper but you will not find a higher quality anywhere, I am stating this as I do not want people to think I am just trying to sell a product... by all means buy it elsewhere if you wish...just please read the information and try the teas, sometimes it is the simplest approaches that work !!

Here is the old posting ( please excuse the spelling).

I was diagnosed in May of 2001 with stage 4 adenocarcinoma of the stomach, right at the junction of my esophagus (in fact the doctors thought I would need surgery and a shunt put in just to get food past the tumor.)
After am MRI a liver biopsy , chest xrays and CT scans it was discovered that the Cancer had already spread to my liver (which was 15% involved at that time).
I started taking Essiac , tried a macro diet (couldn't handle that, I lost to much weight, so just concentrated on eating lots of veg, fruit, little meat and dairy, wholegrains etc). . I really did not want to have chemo as I had heard all the horror stories and the Oncologist said it would probally only buy me a year anyway. When I went back for the results of my next CT scan a couple of months later they showed my liver was now 35% involved and the Oncologist said at that rate I'd only have a couple of months. So I went for the chemo to try and gain some time for the herbals to work, I started the chemo on Aug 18th, they inserted a picc line that infused me 24 hrs a day , every 3 weeks I went up for a big hit that took 5-6 hrs . The drugs used were, cisplatin,epirubicin, and 5-FU . Needless to say it was not a pleasent experience. They took me off the chemo on Dec 23rd 2001 when scans showed the stomach tumor was no longer showing and there were about 4 or 5 small tumors left in my liver. The Doc said it was just a matter of time before they started to grow.
I kept taking the Essiac (which I believe greatly helped with the side effects of the chemo, I actually kept my fingernails... unfortunatley I can't say the same for my hair) and numerous supplements, the diet , fresh juicing etc for 6 months and there was no change in the size of the tumors which pleased the Oncologist. Then after someone on a Cancer Chat forum sent me an e-mail sugesting I tried the Pau d'Arco because it had cured their colon cancer I began to take it also. Almost immediatly I felt relief, The constant bloating and extreme gas in my stomach (that literally felt like a fist) disappeared, I went for a CT scan about 3 weeks after starting the Pau and the Oncologist was amazed (he actually looked enthused, rare for him) the remaining tumors in my liver far from growing were now beginning to shrink. The Oncologist said that it was not a delayed chemo reaction as I had ended that 6 months ago and it was no longer in my system. I kept drinking the Pau d'Arco and he kept giving me scans every 4 weeks, and every time the tumors were smaller and less. I just received the results of my March scan yesterday, NO cancer anywhere, no lymph node involvement or swelling, nothing...

Sincerely Rob.


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