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Cutie Pie Views: 3,468
Published: 22 y
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Hi Cici,

I just checked in the book and the zappicator does not destroy lanthinide metals. But it will destroy parasite eggs and stages, bacteria and viruses, plus 7 other good things.

I have been using borax for dishwashing, also. It works great in the dishwasher. It's not rough on my hands. Dr. Clark shows a picture of 4 commercial brand dishwashing soaps. She says " One of these soaps is safe. THe others had PCB's benzene, absestos, clorox bleach,azo dyes, and numerous heavy metals." The picture is small. But I would have to say that the one that is water color (without dyes) would be the Ivory clear liquid soap. I can not find it in the stores.

The shampoo she found is made in the UK called Green People Organic Shampoo.

As far as lanthinide metals are concerned, she says do not use reverse osmosis water, no carbon filters, no softened water, no bottled water.

She says tap water is still the best choice. I zappicate mine. It really made the water taste better.

She said plastic or metal tooth fillings leach lanthinide metals.

She said that lanthinide metals must be washed off your foods by double soaking in hot water one minute per soak. Then zappicate final product.

She says it is almost impossible to remove them from the body. But by plate zapping an organ at a time and using homegraphic drops will remove the magnetic lanthinide metals.

Hope all this helps,
Cutie Pie


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