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Re: Advice Please on new Food Sterilization rules
Cutie Pie Views: 3,503
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 32,062

Re: Advice Please on new Food Sterilization rules

Go to They have the zappicator for a limited time until they run out. Seems like Feds wants all electrical devices that will be used on humans or animals has to be FDA approved.

I bought an extra one. Also, you would like to read the new book "Who to Cure HIV/AIDS" because it talks about all the food cleaning ways of using or building the zappicator. Also , there is a technique on how to use your zapper to zap food. (You still double wash fruits and vegetables in Lugol's.)

Cici, you would also like to know that the zappicator not only kills parasites and their eggs, but also PCB's. Remember we were wondering how to get rid of PCB's several months ago?

Also, Dr. Clark found a shampoo company out of England that she approves of, and a commercial dish soap that is safe .

Take care,
Cutie Pie



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