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Very Scary Stuff!
letitrain Views: 17,260
Published: 21 y
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Very Scary Stuff!

I'm getting a little freaked out by the stuff coming out of me. It all started with intense internal/rectal itching, two weeks into a bowel cleanse. So I did an apple cider vinegar enema a few nights ago, and was excited to see many whitish toilet-paper-type flakes. The itching disappeared for two days, then returned. I did another round of acv-enemas, and passed a small amount of mucoid plaque and lots more white stuff, including "long brown threads with white goo clumped around them." That was last night.

Tonight I felt more itching, so I decided to do more enemas, but this time with regular (not acv) vinegar. I can only do 8 oz at a time, but I did five times. The first time the water came out fairly clean, with some stool and candida flakes. (SORRY) The second time the water came out tinged, much more candida. The third time - brown water - couldn't see but felt things pass. The fourth time more brown water, then I passed (with effort, massage, prayer) a large black mass which disintegrated into black "powder" when I probed it. (STRANGE) The fifth (last) time, the water was clear!!! But there were a few strands of olive-green candida, Yuck! Mutant rhizoids!

These things look fierce, and I'm afraid of how many might be in me still.

I haven't seen any "cotton balls." Has anyone else had this stringy darker stuff?

I am using a strong formula of water with vinegar which is not recommended, so don't blame me if it hurts you! lol. I've been putting 1/4 cup of vinegar to 1 quart of warm water. I haven't felt any adverse effects, only these productive clean-outs. It seems right for me at this time.


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