21 y
Re: The Beauty of Darwinism!
By no means does evolution explain "how complex, difficult to understand things could have arisen step by step, from simple, easy to understand beginnings." This is the general perception of anyone who has not really studied the matter. Anyone who even cracks open a heavily biased textbook on amobea's or any other so called "simple organism" can quickly learn that these "building blocks of life" are far more complex than we can even comprehend. The simple flaguim the bacteria and other little oraganisms use to probel themselves are very complex indeed. Furthermore, there is no chanch that life evoluloved by chanch. Have you ever thought about taking one single organism out of the environment or one out part out of a living organism? It cannot survive. Farbeit for billions and trillions, or millions, whichever the current case maybe, that it takes for so called evolution to take place. The only way such complex living creatures could come about is if it were designed by someone with exceeding wisdom and knowledge, someone outside of space and time, someone who made you and loves you-this Some One is the one and only God and He sent His Son Jesus to the earth 2000 years ago to show you how much He loves you. Genesis 1:1 is all that we need to know how the earth was formed "In the beginning, God created..."
Think about this, if a land mars rover went to Mars and discovered in the gravel a wristwatch, what would we here on earth have to say about it? would we say 1) Wow, can you believe tha millions and millions of years of dirt, rock, and wind evolved into this this wristwatch! or would we say 2)oh look, this watch was designed by someone. Someone has been here before us and this is a mark of his design. ?