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My brother beated ALS
Brad Views: 23,892
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My brother beated ALS

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ALS = Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

From: Brad Mitchell
Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2002 08:09:16 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [mscured] juicing & Gerson Therapy


Thank you for your email. I agree that Gerson is a
powerful program and I believe in their ideas.
However, we are using a combination of several things
and my wife is on her way to healing after some severe
exacerbations resulting in complete memory loss as
well as cognitive function resulting in her having to
drop out of her final year of law school.

Personally, I am a believer in healing completely.
Our goal is for Malinda (my wife) to heal 100% from
this condition. My family and I have a great deal of
faith in this due to my brother's experience with ALS.
When he was 18 yrs. old (I was 16....29 now), he was
diagnosed by Barrie Hurwitz, MD at Duke and confirmed
by Fred Plum, MD at Cornell (he writes textbooks for
Neurology and is probably the top MD in the world in
regard to ALS). He was confirmed to have ALS through
every test possible, including a muscle biopsy. Dr.
Plum gave my brother 6 months to live and told us to
make funeral arrangements, etc.

Needless to say, we continued on in our faith and
efforts to heal Todd (my brother). He continued to
get better and healed over about a 1 1/2 - 2 year
period. He is now 31, married and has 3 children.
You would never know he had ALS. I firmly believe
that we can heal from the diseases on earth today.

I hope this helps.


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