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Re: Day 1 and I have a migrane headache
missp Views: 1,455
Published: 18 y
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Re: Day 1 and I have a migrane headache

"Well, today is day #1 and my head is pounding. Can I take tylenol?"

Evening! It's advised that you don't take medicine for the potential ails of the MC. Do you have anything else handy you could use? Ice packs are good (you could use a bag of frozen peas or use my favorite makeshift alcohol in a ziploc bag). Got a partner who can massage your head and neck for a few minutes? Some essential oils or other aromatherapy?

Try a nice hot Epsom Salt bath (sure helped me last night) with candles and soft music (don't forget your scents). And be sure to drink LOTS of water and keep up your lemonades and flushing whether you do a bath or not (extra liquids with a bath).

I'm quite sure some of the veterans can give you more help.

"also, I have been reading other posts on this forum, and I still haven't had the experience of "eliminating" why is that?"

What processes have you done so far for day one as well as last night? Did you do a lax tea? SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) this morning? Were you able to get in the recommended amount of lemonades and water? What was your eating regimen recently, before today?

Personally, I don't have an answer for you but hopefully someone will! Provide a touch more info if you can too.

Good health!

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