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Re: Day 5. How is everyone?
missp Views: 1,844
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 255,810

Re: Day 5. How is everyone?

Headache day!! And I'm fighting with everything I've got. I've actually gotten a very very mild headache for the last couple of days and have been able to ward them off. Earlier this evening I almost had this one nicked. However, I just spent 3 hours with howling 2 to 10 year olds, ran out of lemonade and got tired of water fountain water. Let's not mention the pee-ridden public toilets!

So now I'm home with my newly purchased homemade lavendar soap and homemade lavendar bath bomb, fresh lemonade and plenty of my own ice water to spare! I'll also be hitting my frozen gel eye mask, HGTV on low volume and a dimly lit room lol.

The headache isn't that bad. I get migraines and migraine this is not. Still, no headache is fun, and this one is stemming from my TMJ et al.

Otherwise I really can't complain! I've been hungry off and on (just can't get that tiny pulp out) but it's bearable. Old nasty tongue is still here lol. This morning's boo boo pee was not quite as 'gold' as yesterday... kinda muted gold I'd say. Maybe last night's enema loosened a lil extra?

Down 6 pounds and looking spiffy!

Good health to us all =)

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