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Re: Winter

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: Winter

These foundational deceptions are first and foremost the Heliocentric globe Earth, evolution and the deep space big bang theory which make all other deceptions possible, the Earth is a topographically irregular plane with a boundary wall of ice a few hundred feet high at most and a few hundred kilometres past the wall is the base of the Firmament, this is why all nations signed the Antarctic treaty so that the Firmament could be studied and eventually destroyed by the Satanist/Babylonian secret societies that have control, as far as I can tell this is the end of the Earth and no land exists beyond the Firmament but I may be wrong.

The Firmament seems to be akin to molten glass or ice we are not accustomed to, unbreakable and self healing. An operation was carried out to test the structural integrity of the Dome designated Operation Dominic (Of the Lord- my Namesake) or Operation Fishbowl which was unsuccessful, we live in an enclosed system created by God and the warped people running the show are trying to break out via top secret military operations, this is where US tax payer money handed over to study Planets, Moons and black holes that don't exist is spent.

NASA uses enormous balloons as satellites and their whole agenda from the beginning is to hide God and uphold this deception of Earth being a ball spinning through space at 66,600 kmh on a tilt of 66.6 degrees (pure mockery of the gullible masses) 93,000,000 miles away from the Sun which they worship as a God (Worship of creation over the Creator).

Concerning the true enemy of Mankind and mark my words they are not to be underestimated, the Jesuits can be studied like any other organisation, there are multiple excellent books written concerning their exploits and how they've achieved control of the World over the last 500 years for their master the Pope, make no mistake about it the Pope and Anti-Christ Francis owns everything and openly declares himself God on Earth.

Listen as this si the truth you won't find any where else, all these ideas you people have are wrong, the deep state, the Jews, China, the Globalists, Elites are all smoke screens for the true enemy of mankind. At the top of the pyramid of power sits the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits) who have taken control of the World over the last 500 years, they serve the Roman Catholic Church and own and manipulate all the militaries of the World, I mean all, there are no sovereign nations left. We have been living in a one world government since 1945 with the founding of the UN (look at the UN logo - A flat Earth map with the Roman Laurel Wreath showing clearly who runs the Nations) and who the target is at true north, God.

The whole Covid-19 was farce was a program to inject every man, woman and child with the nanotechnology required for the Mark of the Beast which will soon arrive in the form of a microneedle patch, this Mark alongside the "vaccines" will change the genetic make-up of the recipient into the image of Satan and not the original creator which has been Satan's plan all along, as far as I can tell this is what He was doing before the deluge when God was forced to intervene and flood the Earth.

The World is controlled by Roman Catholics, Knights of Malta and ultimately the False Prophet Arturo Sosa of the jesuits and the Anti-Christ Pope Francis. ALL NATIONS are working together to subdue the general population under a one world Satanic Beast government which is close at hand. Satan is after the true Saints of God and the Mark will allow Him to expose them by default so that they may be exterminated. This is all prophesied in Revelation in detail, I've come to realise that every word of the KJV Bible is true and the whole World has been totally deluded by a few key foundational deceptions which I will cover in my next comment.


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