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jets and their payloads have controlled the weather for a very long time--longer than 1/2 the people live have lived..

The outgoing criminals raped and robbed the systems----they all do, the incoming are just as bad and do the same--they all are brothers/sisters from the same colleges--professional "actors"..

hot, cold, sun or filtered sun; they can raise the temp 50 degrees, create storms, tornadoes, hurricanes and poison all in the process...

Normal for this time of year for the northern states would be 2+ feet of frozen earth and -15+ degrees---shut the jets off and that happens, bring the jets back in and they can make it 50 degrees and rain--as they perfect their GREEN HOUSE AFFECT for the past 75 years...

The same chemicals sprayed in the upper atmosphere accumulates, kills and the lucky people expel it out their liver, stomach and tongue---the exact same grey chemicals you see above are the same chemicals oozing out of your tongue and organs---aluminum/titanium.

They have killed / changed wild life, every animal, every reptile, every fish, bird amphibian, human, plant and tree...

SQUIRRELS have been out on the roads at -15 degrees!!!! thanks to those that fly and spray the planet--

They destroy nature, they destroy every mammal on the planet by way of heavy metals that harm the brain, affects all life...unit 731 created the air ______1949 and started spraying Texas and then the entire earth-----Biologist asked to examine Texas soil in 1950, wrote that if you do not stop, you will poison the entire planet! They moved to each country--none stop spraying----a fellow that sprayed India every day from 1960 to 63 said--it was because there were too many people past age 150.

Once is full control, they put the same heavy metals in every city water-----many years ago the EPA was asked about the chemicals added to each city being 8-20x more toxic than legal limits---they answered: we do not ad the chemicals, we test the results in each town----the SAME PEOPLE that spray the world, decide how much aluminum/titanium is added to each area.....

Speculation is this simple--if you enjoy living, never move to where the old people go to retire........just like India in 1960's, your age identifies you as a none productive slave.



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