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Re: Jesus
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Re: Jesus

Deuteronomy 28: 43


Evil people 500+ years ago--created the lies of those that hated Jesus and men who said this and that about a man they never seen, ever......

The authors had the Book of Jesus for 1500 years, they printed their bibles base on the book of Jesus and manipulated to the point it caused world wars--they went into each country and killed the adults and raised the babies as their slaves to this very day...

They say they had to kill 70 million+ adults in order to change the world's view of the history of Jesus..

Their book created slavery! Obedience and worshiping the evil one..the creature! They are the "organized' world wide--they are known by their lies, they create wars to kill those that love God to this very day--they hand choose each boy to be killed in their war as they poison them all--injecting them for 30+ days and spray "all", because their true goal is to kill all, including them selves...until less than 30 people exist that Love God...

They go into every Jungle, to every Island and destroy! Hawaii is the perfect example. The same creatures enter wearing robes with ships and guns and kill every human that refuses to be a slave---using starvation/murder....they enter and create gov



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