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Re: SAD plus LBB

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 8 Views: 85
Published: 29 d
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Re: SAD plus LBB

LBB capsules can be taken anytime day or night once a person is of average health---otherwise they may like them with a meal..

ONCE the ulcers are out of their stomach, you can take anytime 24/7 with zero ill feelings of any kind--they are just herbal food.

Dr. Christopher believed if needed, a person could take 50 a day---------those that were scheduled to have their colon chopped on, have taken 2-4 per hour and in less than 24 hours; blowed - up their toilet and stopped their surgery........those that had their colon chopped on, a bag installed--may use 1 a day until that bag has been removed, then take LBB daily for the rest of their life with great success.........

The idea came from Germany over 100 years ago----Dr. Christopher became such a lover of cayenne pepper, that towards his end--he had too much cayenne in the original formula he tweaked his entire lifetime.........he taught all his students to continue "TWEAKING" his formulas-------once the LBB was tweaked 26 years ago- zero complaints and it has never needed to be tweaked again!

As a bulk powder it has wild oregano oil added and then can hand-make capsules.......capsule making machines can-not have essential oils in the formulas.

The LBB formula is the ONLY herbal formula that must be taken in capsules---all other herbs can be taken in a shaker/stir cup so easily and much cheaper than capsules..........and for 2025 the LBB Formula will be tweaked in a manner that it can be taken as a powder in a drink---but it will not have the main herbs! That herb can only be taken in capsule form----the powder formula will have alternative herbs and will be GREAT------but if the colon muscles have been destroyed over a lifetime of really bad diet---the original LBB by capsule for a year or 2 and then they may opt for the new mild version that all people can easily take as a daily drink...

HERBS are supplements for the SAD DIET, so naturally those that do not like spending their $$$ on herbs, can simply spend their $$ on better quality foods.

Many Blessings,

Your question was the first REAL QUESTION asked here since the CUREZONE was re-born!




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