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Re: sleep

Parasites and Liver Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: sleep

NASA created to avoid planet X, everything they did--backfired, made earth worse off.100% of them pure liars...

A man that flew for South Africa and then 16 years for EMERITZ as a captain---tried to prove your flst earth theory-=-he said it is impossible----he could not even try to prove it it so much nonsense and a NONE SUBJECT and I know the guy very very well! If he could prove it he would have.....

South Pole---DA, NAT GEO and HISTORY CHANNEL showed "WHY" you are forbidden to get near it and other places on earth------and explained via navy seals that is where all the missing kids/babies/people end up after being processed.....

are they all liars---sure they are...aka the MASON CODE--every word a lie, every dr functions that method as do priest and many pastors, judges, lawyers, leaders---aka all masons, all serve their popes.

EVERY HUMAN ON EARTH that sets on a beach and watchs any ship leave--watches it fade away over the CURVE of THE EARTH---=making the flat earth theory just another human lie.......

ALL SPACE CAMERAS approx 40 years ago were out on a DELAY--because college students were recording ALIEN SHIPS being SHOT AT by most every large country and I met the MAN that Russia sold to american and american sold him to Australia and he emnabled them all to DEVELOP STAR WARS via hydrogen weapons----shot into space at none friendly aliens.......he had the video to prove the wars and he had his own flying saucer and he became a HUGE CONTRACTOR for the military and developer of HYDROGEN tech.........

I personally knew a man that pre 1950 in red clearance army witnessed the same wars going on---he said the wars going on in space are as bad as the movie STAR WARS and that the movies were prepping humans---as are many many tv channels today in the past 3 years PREPPING earthlings to accept aliens control it all....

For the past 2 months 700+ whistle blowers have been telling congress who/what the real enemy has been since 1950---a secret military fighting aliens since 1950---what they call out of control---but surely in their minds they are patriot, fighting to the end.....TRUMP has been forced to expose the drones, etc, by 1/22/2025; the world is waiting to see if he lies again! He has lied since the day he ran for office---and the lies are so many, so gigantic today, so much live video proof proving he is blackmailed to the hilt---he will say what ever he is told to say--do what ever he is told to do...just like they all have before him.

The 700+ say they will go to every news outlet, pod cast if he refuses to tell the truth this time around------very very soon the world will see if he goes belly up and lies again or not---he/they will use the mass deportation to swallow up news 24/7 in an efofrt to ignore the alien wars..



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