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Published: 31 d


drugs and operations are "end" results for modern day people-----

Treatments, all treatments are BACKWARDS!

Naturally 99+% will never practice Prevention until after they experience "Failure" and for 50+% their first diagnoses will be cancers or heart diseases..

"IF" one reads enough, connects enough "dots" and goes backwards to the beginning of why people "age" and "die", the solution actually is the cure for "everything"....

Some people can eat anything, due most anything till age 30 with out gaining 1 abnormal pound of weight! and others that are so toxic that their lives are a wreck from birth till the end---but they are just examples as are all people---a result of their past 4+ generations.

It is tough to repair past damages that are chains hanging on from the great grandparents...or even worse, results of world wars that never end.

YET, the human body can 100% replace its self in just less than 1 year or for those that are ill---7 years. "Can" their new body self-correct? In theory no impossible! Yet, so many psychical reasons for being "defective".

Everything from a squashed skull from the birth process, to every poison from the invisible to the physical poisons.

No matter how large the list of why a person is sickly---a toxic drug, an operation never cures---they treat.

Virtually every method to restore the arteries is the path to rejuvenation of the entire body. Making correct diet, the cheapest way of life on earth in every possible way...



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