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Re: MH, weight loss/gain.
MH 108 8 Views: 107
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Re: MH, weight loss/gain.

In my area there are plenty of goats---but try to find one that sells very big and 100% will be vet cared for goats, while amish self-care mostly, but very small scale...not far away in an amish area a company sells goat powder milk that 1 year old baby humans do great on...when properly diluted.

Amish mostly rot their goat milk, making cheese/yogurts ------I do not think I have ever met an adult human that ever said they liked whole goat milk, even for babies it must be diluted 100% with distilled water and something used for the worms......

NO HUMAN adult can digest milk--try as they might...same with corn.........pigs can digest both. Cows can not and humans never.

The MILK SUBJECT is a dead subject--it breaks all God's NATURE LAWS.The only way some adults can get away with it--is MILK FASTING----and they normally will be european whites.....none white people rarely enjoy any milk product.

MILK is a DEAD SUBJECT after age 18 months old-----only does harm.

THAT SAID--healthy people can tolerate milk and few to NONE will ever find a healthy cow--actually a healthy cow after 1949 to date daily chem trail spraying has harmed every cow on earth as every nuclear bomb, leak, wide milk can be measured for how much damage that area of worth has---BECAUSE milk is where the body expel is its poison into to get rid of them.

Just measure milk to check how toxic each area on earth is-----



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