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Re: MH, weight loss/gain.

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Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 8 Views: 104
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Re: MH, weight loss/gain.

Answered Below

Unvaccinated, pharmaceutical free, pasture raised/fed, raw, never heated, never cooled goat milk is alkaline and WILL help build MUSCLE MASS.

Those goats would be Healthy Goats, Period!

If you study MILK from mammals, you would learn that for a human to drink such a milk, it will need to be 50% diluted with Steam Distilled Water first. Goat millk gives other mammals, their worms---often they are several inches long, fill the stomach and wriggle like fishing worms, look like fishing worms, only they are white.

As a result of their easily passed worm eggs, goat milk needs help from herbs or sterilized first.

Goat Milk / Animal Milks AT BEST could result in FATTY MUSCLES

FATTY MUSCLES ends in DISASTER for most people!


The 100 year old medical weight charts are 100% Correct in Many Ways!

REAL MUSCLE is tight Muscle!

The strongest man in America around 1970's picked 1,4000 pounds above his head. It took 4 muscle bound monster males to pick that 1,400 # to move it. The 6'5" black male that lifted it with ease above his head----was SKINNY, very thin!

TODAY, the tv show American Ninja Warriors are proof, muscle bound freaks are week... No one weighing more than 160 # has real strength! Just like heavy weight boxers they are worn out in minutes.

MILK is bad stuff after age 18 months old!

Animal Milks are never human grade foods---

I am not sure if sheep milk is alkaline or neutral or acidic.

SHEEP are literally "STUPID" Creatures!

They can not help it!

Do not drink their milk!

Do not eat them!

Everywhere a Sheep has lived on earth to this very day- the land makes humans "SICK"!!!!!! Never Forget that!
If a sheep lived on land you have lived on--they got their revenge for being eaten!

White European Humans that have adapted to animal milk over generations can MILK FAST--live on whole milk--ONLY if they have the stomach acid to do it--and heal their body! None whites? Don't try it!

The Internet and much of the world are fake teachers: BEWARE!

The electronic world seeks to destroy humanity -- Period!

False Teacher fill this world today and maybe 2 billion people have been killed as a result since the creation of world war 1.

Otherwise---SELF-EXPERIMENT--just do not seek to LURE innocents --to do so, ends in disaster after you die.To do so innocently is not so bad---but still not worth all the problems after you are dead----do not seek to be a false teacher. Teach your self and at most--say this worked for me--as far as I know and that is the problem, they do not know until they experience the problems after drinking milks.

THE LAWS of LIFE prove humans stop milk after 18 months old.
Fatty muscles are sick muscles!

Drinking Milks ends in loss of teeth, bone and health.

Milk is Mucus foods---snot food, sore throat food---destruction for children!

Public schools try to force theiur gov milks the same as they force vaccines--FOR THE EXACT SAME PURPOSES!

GOAT MILK works when understood as puppy milk, even human baby milk--only after it is understood.



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