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Re: another 2 million
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Re: another 2 million

'TB' is nothing more than a cell which the body transformed into 'TB' in order to deal with toxicity.

No need to complicate things.

What the vet saw is poisoning and the body ordering some of its cells to transform into 'TB' to deal with the industrial chemical/pharmaceutical poisoning.

The 'germ' THEORY of dis-ease (notice it is still a THEORY since it is impossible to prove it since it is literally the inversion of reality) and the heliocentric matrix/world view are the two religions of the new world order/organised through which they can rule and do anything they please WITH the total support of the sheeple because 'it is for your safety' and 'we are all in this together' and ;if you do not take your vax then mine does not work'.

Never before was such a religion invented in the past. It is impossible to come up with a better scam/fraud to rule the world and do anything you want with anybody.

Think about it, you want to eliminate your religious and or political enemy ? Claim they have scamvid-19 or other scam and disappear them for everybody's 'safety', again, WITH the support of 95% of the sheeple of earth. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

'Puss' is the body's attempt to encapsulate industrial/pharmaceutical poisons. Pus, just like 'germs' are a symptom of toxicity and a symptom of the body trying to SAVE itself.





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