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Re: another 2 million

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 8 Views: 127
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Re: another 2 million

I knew a gov vet 35 years ago working in a huge slaughter house----he told them--DO NOT KILL THAT COW! He could spot TB from s distance by just looking and the guy in charge said that cow is fine and they opened it up and the PUSS ROLLED OUT and every cow there was destroyed and the facility had to be "sterilized"!

They did the same on dairy farms, only no new cows could live there again--FOR MANY YEARS!

Odds are the cows were given TB via a vaccine--the best 1950 Bacteria book explained how vaccines is an art of KEEPING the deadly diseases alive, by placing inside humans/animals to stay alive----

EVERY HUMAN as well as EVERY MAMMAL on the planet is born with lyme worms--trillions- you can compare to the endless bacteria----all invisible creatures ----normally no problem as long as OXYGEN LEVELS obey Nature-----

so you can get away with saying the bacteria theory does not exist---for only 1 reason, you are born full of creatures that are eating you by secreting enzymes to dissolve you--when your oxygen drops..


We live at the bottom of an ocean of bacteria---we are their supper!

Anyone that wants to think they are bacteria/parasite free, they would be living in a fantasy land......everything INCLUDING ROCK is being eaten by bacteria!

Every breath of air is loaded with bacteria type creatures!

They have the job of dissolving people back to dirt.........

Chickens? I am sure they are all state controlled/owned and the TAX PAYERS pay for it all---they have no worries, because the gov are the "organized" and they rob every country, every real human...that and those white buzzards have no real benefit to human health after they poison them and alter their dna.

Eating a commercial chicken / egg is a very disgusting act that just feeds the bacteria/parasites inside the human body



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