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Re: What a Waste
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Re: What a Waste

There are some amazing books about eye health and naturally, prevention is worth its weight in gold.

There is a long list of reasons for poor eye health and surgery does not "correct" 1 of those past problems.

that said, amazingly many people even in their 90's have amazing results today. Many wore glasses much of their life and after surgery, no more glasses.

The same applies to so many problems---like Hernia, people that wait until their belly rips from the belly button to the spine (it happens); it is all about "prevention". The best of medical after the fact, seek to ad more time, by way of surgeries of which many today are being done by robots.

People do not want to know or hear the endless list of reasons "why", no more than they want to be told to eat or drink or live....and thanks to health insurances, socialism there are ample surgeons that can do some amazing work with the eyes---but beware the bad ones, it is not a surgery that can be undone.

Some of the basics of cataracts are- dirty water / well water, water loaded with rock minerals.

MILK, dairy wrong forms of calcium---inorganic calcium accumulation-

Herpes--- cataracts are a form of Herpes.

HA, the miracle of HA, first discovered in cow eyes 90 years ago---the glue that holds the human body together, especially the eyes...people that see "floaters" are seeing the HA break loose.

WHY compare Hernia with Cataracts?

SIMPLE, both are ADVANCED problems that the people allowed to happen--------both are extremely difficult to deal with naturally and odds are they are not going to attempt to self-correct and surgery is so fast and often so successful. THEY only last so long! But generally last long enough.

On the wild side---in Brazil, the is always at least 1 person that does bazaar eye surgeries with kitchen butter knife----they scrape the cataract off in a second.

Expect to get ten + good years when they install a lens. You might see better than you have for 50 years.



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