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Re: Theory on seborrheic dermatits/eczema
Pijonah Snow Views: 461
Published: 13 m
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Re: Theory on seborrheic dermatits/eczema

Due to the intestional flora inside you that is supposed to aid with digestion not actually being judged as you then another soul or even yourself if receiving the extra Spiritual Sow of The Holy Spirit could desire for the fungus to miraculously grow out of control inside your GI Tract.
As you now know this would cause the roots to pierce the gut wall allowing yeast into your bloodsteam causing the immune system to attack the yeast living harmlessly on the skin, now you would have sd.
The Lord who I believe resides usually on the other side inhaling and sharing The Holy Spirit from God's initial Spiritual Blessing and from The Spiritual Sowers who are The Lambs could use this blessing to strike you with Seborrhoeic Dermatitis via desiring the fungal anomaly, this would actually be a sin if not consented unless The Lord or any inhaler of the extra Holy Spirit did not have a good enough reason.
Either way it would count as atonement due to the suffering endured but it could genuinely be judged a sinful use of force.


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