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Re: Theory on seborrheic dermatits/eczema
Pijonah Snow Views: 562
Published: 14 m
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Re: Theory on seborrheic dermatits/eczema

When I am hit with you but for you remember I am usually being hit for many of you whereas you are only being hit for yourself meaning each of 100 of you could be hit once but I am hit 100 times for each of you for the duration of the Lamb usury bond causing health conditions you may not suffer from because your body is barely effected due to the size of a hit being 100 times smaller.
If Holiness in the form of being able to atone for larger quantities of sin without having to take the same size hit then this should be factored in when trying to access how large a sin the sexual side of Homosexuality is.

This means it is possible Homosexual Sexual Sin is only a minor sin but if too many people guilty of this sin connect via The Holy Ghost at once it certainly does not feel that way to my body.

I don't believe the pressure I feel in the genital and anus is a point of access atonement usury as the pressure I feel in that region is a unique disgusting pressure that I have not felt in any other region of my body that could also be accessed.
The disintegrating pressures, electrical grips and spiritual cold burns have accesed all and some of the rest of my body.

I still believe the spiritual cause of the Seborrhoeic Dermatitis Rod Of Atonement was a warning from the past against too many people in the past choosing a path that was leaning too much towards the unnatural whilst still being natural enough to respond properly to what is natural inside of you but is not you...until, well the totally unnatural like the Satanic Mind Predicting Ghostly Vine and possible The Lord when it is sharing and wishing unrighteously however The Lord may be innocent of sin or sin not atoned for but it does not add anymore of The Holy Spirit due to not unlocking Heaven by atoning for another.

Now Seborrhoeic Dermatitis is in many peoples ROA formation engagement when living natural enough who may not have been guilty of this sin and is one of the ROA we roam into I think kept because almost everyone is sin indebted.

You may think using logic regarding the spiritual cause to a natural condition that only uses The Holy Ghost when connecting a Lamb is reaching too far but but I certainly believe Science Explains How But Spiritually Explains Why.

Remember many percentages and types of unnatural exist and if it is judged a sin then the sin size will vary however it is not always a sin.
The obvious example being it is greatly needed in some very painful situations but when it causes ROA to be formed then it certainly was judged sin.
The less obvious examples are when right was on your side in your freedom of Divine Influence usury but also remember Divine Influence makes all sin possible and if your Divine Influence usury was judged sin your engagement of the specific ROA concerned will usually come much later for most of you unless you pay the debt using a roaming ROA left around from the past or your natural life toil.


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