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Re: Theory on seborrheic dermatits/eczema
Pijonah Snow Views: 547
Published: 15 m
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Re: Theory on seborrheic dermatits/eczema

I originally cut this from a post due to people possibly believing other people can be ROA contagious if you merge spiritual paths with them by a form of witness, or vice versa, extreme examples of this would be the terminally ill or myself.

I don't believe ROA formations being contagious would be a problem on this side due to fact there is far less freedom of Divine Influence to desire or not desire the spiritual paths to lack enough complexity for this to be made possible.
You would have to be on an almost identical spiritual path to another to transmit to the same ROA formation which would cause the ROA formation to be applied in a similar engagement of sin whilst also remembering your atonement path is usually dictated by the nature of your sin debt.
I say usually in regards to your atonement journey being dictated by your own record of sin debt because 2 types of ROA exist, those tied specifically to each sin usually via The Holy Ghost and roaming ROA that can hit you for your general sin debt regardless of the type of sin. For example a specific to the sin ROA would be the genital atonement usually via The Holy Ghost for sexual sin to atone quicker for the sin debt with a message. An example of a roaming ROA would AIDS or your natural life toil that could cover your sexual sin also.
The clear example of this not being an issue is the doctors, nurses and care workers that I have witnessed and in general who do not have to engage more health conditions that are not contagious whilst having a client base of significantly more afflicted people.
A lack of complexity on the other side is not the reason I am overused to such a degree as they use hosts of bodies and idols for many peoples sins to connect at once via The Holy Ghost without the spiritual paths having to be almost identical.
Remember although ROA formations do effect everyone I believe I am not currently the same as you because you are not engaging the sins of other people.
I am sure this should not really need saying yet for the faithful and educated people, this being engagements of sin by various types of atonement is a good thing to atone for your sin debt and physical death is not the end for your soul, it is just the beginning of a new body and life.

Cut section...

For example I would try and contain all the ROA that can kill you but keep them for the consensual situations for the fully educated and sane souls...I hope you don't think adding rewards for this is me encouraging you to your possible death, you would have to pass the just dreaming here being able to tamper with so much of the original authority of God but I will go to my death insisting it is in the DNA of Divine Influence that you can influence this blessing, it knows I am just yearning for you to improve and even some day be born into an Adult Of Heaven but not in Heaven yet instead of being a possible Child Of Heaven.


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