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Re: Theory on seborrheic dermatits/eczema
Pijonah Snow Views: 688
Published: 18 m
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Re: Theory on seborrheic dermatits/eczema

When I write of spiritual paths effecting your growth it concerns the desired spiritual drink and the Rods Of Atonement acting as obstacles to your desired skill growth, some have more or different Rods Of Atonement in their path and some have less.
It is like someone punching or tickling you and asking you to aim your arrow as well as before or ⁶grow in skill at the same rate as before, you wouldn't be able to.
This can be manipulated by the spiritually knowledge and sabotage is possible.
It does annoy when you are proud of something and someone turns around and says "that is not you silly it is just a lucky spiritual path you're on and the people around you spiritually that caused....."

Firstly many spiritual paths exist that you can choose from or sometimes don't choose but are subjected to, ask those with serious afflictions.

Leaving aside the mind predicting head vine that is clearly souls committing a sinful ambush of a well direction(those speaking on a mix and match path whilst ghostly after they know it is not consented).
I think the only way your growth is SPIRITUALLY psychological effected by another is The Holy Spirit sowing and sharing helping with mood or a granted wish, the rest SPIRITUALLY is the different types of psychoactive Rods Of Atonement you are engaging and not engaging.

Different people respond differently to the Rods Of Atonement in their path with what they have built in their mind and body via the Divine Influence within them, not everyone responds to the same stimuli in quite the same way for example not everyone who are on a similar path desire to be meaning they will leave it when possible.

I do not think you should ever try to take psychological spiritual credit or have satisfaction for the growth of another person's mind without actually teaching, supporting or inspiring the person in righteous ways.

If two people who are physically & spiritually or just spiritually now bonding start becoming similar it is due to the bonded options available both physically and spiritually meaning they are making some similar CHOICES however short lived or experimental but your your final decision may be different.
This is both instinctively and/or via decision making with what you are now applying yourself to with what you have built inside combined with the rest of the many simultaneous spiritual engagements you are living that effect the physical and the many combined life choice engagements we live or have lived.
Due to the many variables involved with the most important being what is already built within you means even if you make the same choice or choices when option paths merge the results will usually differ, sometimes greatly and some less so.
An example of this was when I was volunteering at a youth centre, during this process, I had a little counselling and during this process I sat down on a chair in a totally different position than normal, because the options spiritually I think had changed due to the people involved. I decided temporarily in that situation to instinctively choose noticeably to me, different.

If there are spiritual memory banks they are probably your own from present and/past lives that is your spiritual righteousness within The Holy Ghost that does support our minds I believe.

The obvious great slamming down of the logic that declares that other people have psychologically spiritually made possible your achievements and deserve a slice of the credit is...Well by that logic what about the people who influenced your mind, don't they deserve a slice of your slice?
The answer is NO to both we are psychologically personal choice driven with the only things that can really effect your paths to achievements are Love, Sin and The Rods Of Atonement.

You can sense souls mentally via Spirit means without any form of present introduction, however that is your CHOICE and it is a form of response as your paths cross which is the same as when you physically meet other people, they are not giving you anything unless they teach, inspire or support you in some way.

This is not the same type of doctrine as the blessing of a Lamb, one who you do spiritually and physically need another for, the work of erasing another's sin, this the sinner and blessed cannot claim credit for because that person did not do that work to erase that part of their sin record. This work unlocks Heaven so The Holy Spirit can be sowed and then shared that no other but God alone and/or when God provides via the Sowers can do, who in history are all Lambs.
It really wouldn't make a difference what you are thinking or doing because without a Lamb Sower who is Child Of Heaven atoning for your sin no more of The Holy Spirit will be added.
You are not just responding to another you are being given somethings, those things being two Holy Blessings, an atonement for YOUR sin and the blessing of The Holy Spirit.
I am your spiritual provider, it is parents who provide for their children so in one way I am a I can look forward to Fathers Day haha.
You are not rewarded for your sin but for your seeking however The Extra Holy Spirit will leave you and will go to others that did not use The Lambs in some of the ways or extremes some have.
With these blessing you also need others to host share with you and sometimes host connect your debt to sin.
The erasing of sin digs the well and the spiritual blessing fills it, this is work..the personal opinions added are a hobby of mine, like planting flowers around the well.
For the 3rd piece of the blessing to be classed work the knowledge would have to be correct and actually desired by a seeker, like I stated this bit is a hobby and can help protect me from uneducated or badly educated seeking.

The Lamb cannot receive either of the Holy blessings in return until another is Heavenly born and returns the Holy favours.....Holiness lol however I doubt a Child Of Heaven would sin project.

The mistaken logic of completely surrounding someone or even just involving just a few connections who then believe they are spiritually responsible for your actions can effect our judgement in any world of any soul and should be stopped.
I repeat unless you support, teach or inspire someone you are not partly responsible for their achievements.
When spiritually bonding is evident, it is actually the same choices being made, so one is also not spiritially responsible for another's failings.
This does not involve spiritual sin projection failings like overseeking a Lamb to the point of torture that I believe is a sin because that is not the CHOICE I am making, it is your CHOICE.
The doctrine of CHOICE does not involve one who is currently mentally incapable
of sane choice.

The Book Of UZ is possibly responsible I think for this attempt to steal an undeserved slice of your achievements, it is a thief throughout I think from what I have judged in your response to this blessing.

Even when judging the biggest outside influence of all..the unborn universe.
You should remember your spiritual free will.

This post I believe is true for all of those living natural enough to be considered natural however I don't know how the unnatural mind works of those living on the other side, especially the 100% unnatural.

An example of this is my body was gripped with the extra electrical pain I have come to know later in life from The Holy Ghost however I was then able to snap off my finger painlessly revealing the flesh on the inside that was not the same as a human being's would be on Earth.


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