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Not too sure of going straight to Vegetable broth.

Mercury Detox
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doinit Views: 1,104
Published: 19 y
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Not too sure of going straight to Vegetable broth.

the reason for the OJ is to restart the intestinal tract, which, for some reason, the OJ does better than anything else.

I did a search of the archives and found nothing about an alternative to OJ as a 1st day drink, that doesnt mean it is not in there, i just couldnt find it if it was.

my suggestion to you dear geminilady is, go to the "Ask Andreas" forum here at curzone and post the question there. He is good about getting back to people quickly.

Of course, there are many people in this forum who are QUALIFIED to give specific fasting advice, hopefully they might know of an alternative and explain why.

If there is no alternative to OJ and you cant drink it, it looks like you will be forever on the Master-Cleanse diet. JUST KIDDING


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