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Re: Theory on seborrheic dermatits/eczema
Pijonah Snow Views: 1,120
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Re: Theory on seborrheic dermatits/eczema

The possible multiple spiritual reasons for Seborrheic Dermatitis .

When I endure this affliction I believe it is due to the types of inns mainly in Hell but Earth too that I connect with to various degrees since I was 18.

Atoning for inns that are too off human life via being shielded by The Holy Ghost and are using what is judged as still unborn in Christ as too much of a base for sin debt in comparison to how mankind is now intended to grow. This makes a certain type of Rod of Atonement to endure for those on a more natural path. I think you need a mix of human born and the unborn to at least share the debt stored in Divine Influence.

When these inns connect this is how their sin debt in general is reflected and projected on me. What they are doing is not a sin but it is unrighteous however because of what they are doing SD is the one of the methods of atonement as their existing sin debt is reflected and projected to souls like myself who atone for others in more natural way of life.

For atonement for others to become possible a spiritual bond has to made between myself and another for a judgment to take place in two ways, one being taking the hit for them when engaging The Holy Ghost whilst they are shielded or taking the hit for and with souls who have made that sin engagement from being less shielded.

Seborrheic Dermatitis when endured by souls not atoning for others is a crafted engaged atonement hit for sins using what is natural inside you but is not you, the unborn bacteria and yeast balance.
I admire souls who make these sin engagements and I think it shows they engage the natural life more than others by using less of a shield in The Holy Ghost by going less natural but I realise it can be disabling.

SD when naturally emerged for one’s own sin I believe is crafted via The Holy Spirit from existing intestinal matter via a natural method and then fuels in the abnormal yeast mutation to a fungus to provoke the immune response birthing the affliction as an atonement for their sin in general via what is unborn, if the body was living an unnatural shielded life the mark would not show.

The unborn is crafted into a ROA to strike them but their usury of the freedom of Divine Influence shields them so avoid the atonement.

Remember The Holy Ghost cannot produce any matter it is entirely from The Holy Spirit but it can with The Holy Spirit reform matter, also remember many souls do evade judgment via The Holy Ghost and especially via the unnatural freedom of the Holy Spirit in Hell. The Holy Spirit can cause suffering as it has created a body in the flesh that can think and feel, this is born life to me.

SD when emerged via atonement for others is via The Holy Ghost bonding so a judgment can take place as the sought is spiritually bonded with the seeker.
I now believe The Holy Ghost is a creation of The Holy Spirit to aid in many areas of known life, one of the most needed areas is aiding the young in an atonement sought into creation for them and/or by them as The Holy Spirit is inhaled. This is clearly a form of love that can be used abusively when sought without consent and overused.
It is possible and likely suffering in atonement in the beginning was all natural from what The Holy Spirit created in the beginning and atoning for another being considered unnatural.
The record for sin and unrighteousness would have been recorded in The Holy Spirit until souls needed shielding, then it would have also been kept also in The Holy Ghost to shield from the natural judgment and often transformed into an unnatural strike on the natural body that I feel, the pains it causes are natural even though the connection is unnatural.

To sum up in short my Seborrheic Dermatitis is spiritually risen by souls using a natural but too unborn base which is unrighteous but not sinful which forms an unborn life type of Natural Rod of Atonement for their general sin debt but they are shielded from it by via their usury of Divine Influence whilst also spiritually joining souls who make that type of atonement by living a more natural life that is considered normal and so are now without a part of a shield in The Holy Ghost.

I atone for or for and with souls via this method, when I atone for those who I am spiritually bonded to for and with so a judgment can take place causing SD I may also be atoning for my sins but I think mine are atoned for already or rapidly.

If you spiritually cross paths with an inn like this living significantly natural you will be struck by this type of ROA formed previously for your existing debt of sin or if you are a Lamb.
This diagnosis as the cause of the crafting of the ROA is not a guess as I can feel sin debt significantly stored on the unborn when I hover my hand over some dead animals or even just close to a concrete path.

You can base your sin on yourself and still seek a Lamb to atone for some extra help which would also help you receive a Holy Spirit sow.
I think The Holy Ghost sometimes allows souls in Hell too much freedom with their usury of Divine Influence.

P.S One example of an unborn base would be severed body parts used as a base, in particular genitals that are used as a joy stick by ghosts to manipulate unrighteously.This may cause an ROA comprising of the also unborn within you, the yeast and bacteria. When you are spiritually not physically close to this path living natural the ROA of sd will connect.


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