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Re: Iodine induced goiter, how long does it take to get rid of it?
Dafnii Views: 2,123
Published: 3 y
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Re: Iodine induced goiter, how long does it take to get rid of it?

Thank you Trapper!

Very interesting what you write about the veg caps!... bottom line, the more we try to improve things and come up with fancy new solutions the further away we get from nature and when we eat any of those new inventions our body doesn't recognise them! The FDA and CDC and WHO are a joke!...(don't get me started haha)

Going back to my goiter, I understand that it is the lack of Iodine that causes it but in my case I didn't have it to start with, I only got it when started the iodine. So I am thinking ok, it is because the thyroid got excited to get Iodine and expanded in order to catch as much as it can, but it's been a while now (over a year), hence I am wondering whether this is normal that it takes so long to get saturated or I am missing some little detail.


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