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Blood Root

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MH 108 Views: 775
Published: 6 y

Blood Root

When mushroom hunting you then see all the other herbs in the woods----one that use to have allot of history is BLOOD ROOT................very common in American Woods. This year I can see blood root in large patches.......while it is more normal to see the plants scattered around.

MANY HERBS are becoming obsolete because when there is no markets, the pickers stop collecting and eventually the herb is no longer available from anyone that sales to the public.

BACK when people lived in log cabins, lived off the land----NATURALLY they knew of all the herbs and it is their history in our good herb books.

My 17 year old has enjoyed the Bone Builder Concentrate so well over the past 4 years that now he insist he eats at least a pound every week. For an adult, it is rare if I can get any adult to consume a pound of herbs per month....and 99% will buy such things, put it on their shelf and never consume it.

FOR SPORTS / PROFESSIONAL SPORTS----I could easily see a large professional athlete consuming 1-2 # every week during season.

Kids raised on a mineral deficient diet are going to have small wrist, week joints and when they want to go college or PRO SPORTS-----they are going to end up on the constant injured list......because the big boned boys are going to smash them.

He is football, baseball, soccer, basketball and all contact sports such as fighting-----BONE BUILDER could easily become a multi-million dollar business....BUT, those types never seem to be looking, they would rather do the drugs, the milk based fake proteins and garbage..ALL TRASH that ends in disaster for them mentally and or physically eventually.

THICK / lymes-free bones is something you are never going to find in professional sports.......

NO LYMES = superior bones

Mineral rich= superior bones

BF&C also stood for BONES / FLESH / Cartilage..........Dr. Christopher's powder/capsule formula was a start with that subject----I took it way beyond---------way way way beyond as an Herbal Concentrated Paste. ALL HERB---no water, no capsule----just herbs.

WHY does most everyone in the herbal world ignore WORMS?

THE BIG THING IN NORTH AMERICA TODAY is essential oils-------------check any of them out and see if they have De-wormer essential oils / formulas/...........they avoid that subject like a plague or they just are lost on the largest subject in human health and longevity.

I do not think anyone is more about parasites-----than me......WHY? I enjoy living.... I want to know what kills us and parasites is one of the largest subjects of human deaths. Parasites eat us after we have been poisoned.

First they poison you, then the worms feast---pretty much that simple. Starts with your water, your air, your diet and the worms always waiting to eat you alive.


People make their $$$$$ based on the name they choose for a product.

IN REALITY the 1957 co-q10 theory applies to all. I made a dozen different Herbal Concentrates and the truth is, all 12 need to be blended as 1 and just call it bone builder.......people can understand those 2 woods---they do not understand the other names..

BONE BUILDER---perhaps even the NFL might be capable of understanding those 2 woods, but with out drugs on the list---they would skip it over.....they need the dope, the stuff the pros push and ends up with brain damage by age 50.



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