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Re: Saprophytic infection? Saprophytic Worms/fungus?
Black cloud Views: 1,221
Published: 7 y
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Re: Saprophytic infection? Saprophytic Worms/fungus?

You are not crazy.i believe aldo that they might b able to be in our houses..when i vacuum sometimes i feel them infest my gets frizzy and just that movement feeling,also in laundry room.i no i get reinfected in my house and sometimes from my dog .they (i believe r tiny white larvae)sometimes heavy infect my hands.they actually when outside of body look like tiny white dots that are moving on skin,also have ones under skin.sharkman really knows what he is talking about.i started his 1st phase and im feeling better,but everytime i get the scattering effect i freak and think im getting worse only to find a day later im better,just vacuum often,from what ive experianced what looks like dog hair is not just dog hair,i think there is some stage of larvae in it.because ive seen it move,very scary and wierd.and it has infected me.would like to talk to you more about what you are experiancing with yourself and your dog.after almost 2 yrs of this i guess ive come to terms with it.i have seen some very freaky things that i wouldnt even believe had it not happened to me.iF you need to talk to someone i am here i no how hard it is to deal with this alone,you start wondering if you are going crazy be
Cause of things you are experiancing?pm me


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