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Re: strongyles and trichostrongyles
Amelie83 Views: 4,307
Published: 6 y
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Re: strongyles and trichostrongyles

I know this is is old but it's interesting that this is a remedy for morgellons-like symptoms, considering the fact that it is also commonly used as a dye in red wine. I'm sure we've all witnessed the silly red wine morgellons test on you tube!
I'd also like to understand more of how the strongyle uses the hair shaft to migrate. This has become a serious speed bump in my recovery. I feel like they migrate to my hair when I treat internally. I dont want to have to shave my head!!! It almost seem as though it consumes the hair or literally penetrates the hair somehow! Strangest thing I ever witnessed in all of this! If anyone has anymore info on what's going on in the hair shaft I'd greatly appreciate it.
Sometimes it seems as if the hair is being used as its cuticle. I swear to god one day I saw what looked like some sort of liquid spraying out of the tip of one of my arm hairs! Like literally a tiny cloud puffing out of the end of the shaft. All my hairs are thinning at the tips! I'm not nuts! If I tried to tell a doctor what I've seen they would certainly label me as such! I don't know what to do. I have two dogs who are symptomatic as well and I'm treating them for strongyles but I worry that this is what is impeding our progress.
It seems like there is an organism literally living inside the hair shaft!!!! Could this really be what's happening?
Thanks I advance. I'm pretty desperate for answers here!

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