A week ago my odor was really bad. I completely stopped eating
Fast foods the last week of December. I’m still detoxing my system.
I can say it’s much better, but it’s very smelly trying to get toxins out of my system. My detoxing is very slow because I pregnant now. The best way to detox is to stop all processed, fast, sugar, soda, and fast foods just don’t put into your body. I checked with my doctor she said it was ok to take magnesium citrate liquid for constipation. I took it yesterday. I feel much better, and I can say the odor is reduced by 50%. The rest of Odor will be removed from eating healthy and nourishing my body. I don’t think all of Odor will be removed until I have my fibroids removed which is probably blocking my colon to some degree. Also, I know I need to start working out to be completely healed from Body Odor .