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Re: The Simple Cure For Stuttering That Worked For Me
CitizenDC Views: 3,399
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Re: The Simple Cure For Stuttering That Worked For Me

Thank you for sharing your experience.
I am sooo glad you overcome this condition as it gives me more hope.

I stammer and have decided to do something about it this year!

Can you answer a few questions for me:

>> It took months but I analyzed the subconscious behaviors
>> involved with my stutter and consciously began mentally
>> commanding those muscles or parts to move erratically
>> as they had been doing whenever I spoke in stressful situations

Lets say you were about to say a word that you knew you would or might block on. Lets say the word is "stop".
What would you say to yourself just before saying this word?

>> The breakthrough came when I discovered that I was making a quick
>> subsconscious inhalation right before I was going to speak,
>> or during my speaking which caused me to stutter.

I just realised that I do this too.
I do it more when I am already mid sentence, and I seem to sometimes hold my breath. This causes the flow of speech to be interrupted, causing the flow of thoughts to speech to be interrupted as Im no longer focusing on what I want to say, but instead on HOW I'm going to fix this mistake and continue on properly with my sentence.
Is this similar to your experience?



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