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Bisphenol A substutes are equally dangerous
Dquixote1217 Views: 2,967
Published: 7 y
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Bisphenol A substutes are equally dangerous

And the shame is that industry is substituting other equally dangerous bishpenols in order to deceptively proclaim products as "BPA free". A few months ago I researched and wrote a fairly extensive article about the dangers of plastics (bottom line: there are no safe plastics!). Here is the section about BPA substitutes:

Other Bisphenols

As awareness of bisphenol A's clearly demonstrated toxicity grows and it loses favor within the marketplace and regulators, manufacturers are increasingly substituting less well known bisphenols, especially bisphenol-S and bisphenol-F, into their products and disingenuously labeling them "BPA-free."  As a result, consumers who purchase ostensibly “BPA-free” products are being mislead into thinking they are safer because they contain no bisphenol content.

In many instances, manufacturers are simply substituting  The products may be BPA-free but they are not Bisphenol-free and they are far from safe as we are belatedly finding as the lesser-known bisphenols come under increasing scrutiny..

For example, an alarming study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility and titled, "A new chapter in the bisphenol A story: bisphenol S and bisphenol F are not safe alternatives to this compound" found that bisphenol S and F, as well as the original bisphenol-A, are several orders of magnitude more disruptive to the endocrine systems of the developing male human fetus than previous toxicological risk assessments were capable of determining.

BTW, thanks for sharing - great info!


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