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Re: How does one know if their liver, Kidneys can handle such strong meds and die off symptoms??
jazzydude Views: 1,606
Published: 8 y
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Re: How does one know if their liver, Kidneys can handle such strong meds and die off symptoms??

I would bring a print out with the side effects ivermectin can cause on vision/eyes.
"The following ophthalmological side effects do occur due to the disease itself but have also been reported after treatment with ivermectin: abnormal sensation in the eyes, eyelid edema, anterior uveitis, conjunctivitis, limbitis, keratitis, and chorioretinitis or choroiditis. These have rarely been severe or associated with loss of vision and have generally resolved without corticosteroid treatment."

here is a pdf file which might produce a nicer print out


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