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Re: I found out what Morgellens is!
TotallyBelieveMorg Views: 15,383
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Re: I found out what Morgellens is!

Hi Somee,
I TOTALLY believe you about it being a black fly! now, is that every black fly around? cuz before i looked up maggots thinking that they were part of thrle stages of,flies, but gnats just go from eggs to maggots to,gnats! I thought gnats,were baby flies!!! WRONG!!! I then wondered where flies REALLY come from.

So, the reason i searched fly like,thing to start with this time is because i had a BM & (u have to first understand that i've been having terrible dirreah the past few weeks,hardly any food would stay in, withhout it coming out UNDIGESTED. Bread could, tho.) But i think this got discovered by accident, since i was taking an 800 mg prescription of Ibuprofen for an anti-inflamatory for my knee for a couple week that I've also been having physical therapy for,,i stopped taking it after i started noticing the terrible diarrhea yes, it only took a couple weeks for the dirreah to come. They say that ibuprofen breaks down the stomach lining, which i totally believe now, & it makes,sense that it's a parasitic fly, cuz they DO act like, parasites and I thought that's what i had, UNTIL I SAW THE CLEAR/YELLOW looking FLY thing in the toilet bowl after I pooped!!! oh, yeah i took a look at it and it DIDN'T MOVE. The whole body was that color. I guess they turn that color when they die?,or was the whole
body the yellow eggs or it was a different stage? but it was bigger than a regular fly, unless what u were saying was morgellons IS the norm blacl fly, and it was,so ig cuzit was pregnant or the eggs were all over it!... it was probably 2 centimeTers bigger the the so called regular,fly,yes, in the shaPe OF a fly & looked FULL GROWN!!! i shld have took it out, but i was at work and flushed it down the,toilet. Bad idea? or is it dead when it's that color?

Anyways, i am SOOOOO glad I found your post!!! I was like "what was that clear yellow,fly thing??? which KNEW about Morgellons before. This time I searched it as "Morgellons clear bugs in poop?" & your post was the first one i decided to check out first when i saw the word "fly"! THANK YOU from the BOTTOM of my heart!!!

oh, by the way, Have you talked to a morgellons guy named Michael someone? he invented the magnetic force to get them out, which makes sense, since after hearing about your dissection is dust and lint!, Michael Chapala,is his name. But they lay eggs and that's the crazy thing??? i've been using vasaline to take care of the eggs in the folds under my pubic hair and by my anus. But how do they do that if they are just dust and lint???,or is,it,government made to spy on people?? I believe i saw the "caraway" looking seed, too. They were the same color, i think there were 2 & one of them looked like it had a black,speck in it. The other one looked more like a Tapeworm stuck to the inside side of the toilet, but it went down when i flushed. Oh yeah, & my BM's are BACK TO,NORMAL,after 2 weeks!!! well besides them being black from the Pepto I've been Coincidence??? i,think Not.

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