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When Traveling by MH

Clarkia Extra Strong
Clarkia Tincture 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz

Clarkia Extra Strong
Clarkia Tincture 2 oz, 4 oz, 8 oz, and 16 oz

MH 108 Views: 1,089
Published: 8 y

When Traveling by MH

When traveling, especially when taking a cruise, etc. your not going to easily get good juice. You might be lucky and have a place that makes real juice, but most likely your going to be stuck getting it from a machine and it will be a concentrate mixture blended with the ship's water. If they have orange juice, odds are they will only have it for breakfast---so take 1 or 2 containers (24 ounce size) so you can take your juice back to your room.

Each morning drink approx. 24 ounces of the best juice you can find with 4 LBB (lower bowel balance) capsules and at bedtime take a long hot bath and take 24 ounces with 4 LBB. Or you could take the bath in the morning if you preferred and shower also works.

Best if you can have a room with a tub and better yet, a powered tub that bubbles. "YES" when vacationing your water will have the chemicals in it--can't be avoided, so leave the bathroom door open and do not concentrate the air in the bathroom-----luckily most bathrooms have circulating air to reduce the moisture and remove the chemicals…

48 ounces of juice daily with 8 LBB capsules are like insurance in the bank so you can enjoy your vacation.

Those adults today that take ship cruises often are drunks in that they buy a booze ticket that allows them to drink booze 24/7---so the industry is building more and more ships to supply the booze cruises----so like much of the rest of the world----enjoy your vacations while you can. That and with the leftist destroying the environment as fast as they can destroy it; soon enough it will not be safe to travel---so enjoy what is left of the good times.

To make any hotel / sleeping room better;the use of what I call a Room Air Freshen Machine with 2 ounces of the air formula is enough to make any room much safer and healthier.

The universal herbal formula for traveling is what I call SPRAY 1, you want at least 2-8 ounces per week if you are going to get a tan in the sun.

Otherwise, for almost 100 years now, the Dr. John R. Christopher LBB formula is often called better than gold by many people--including myself and that goes double for vacation time.

WHY the christopher company years ago added too much cayenne to their formula can be explained because the dad was so use to cayenne pepper. WHY they chose to make tiny single 0 size capsules and sale only on 100 count bottles was simple---GREED, they wanted max $$$ that lead to eventually loosing their business to the point what is left is nothing more than a subbed out and sold brand name.

20+ years ago I corrected the cayenne type and content so women could enjoy the formula and have always made the capsules in proper double 00 veggie capsules and the idea bottle size in 500 count and if they had larger bottles I would supply it in 1,000 count.

Idea healthy adult will take approx. 1 bottle per year. If you work a bad job, keep the LBB at your work place and take 4 each morning, so you might need 2 bottles per year. When orange juice fasting, take 8-9 every day and that is insurance that nothing will go wrong with your fasting experience.

To make the LBB capsules properly with no commercial sterilization/radiation requires a private encapsulator with the proper lab work so it can be passed with out the use of the standard radiation process or garbage they ad to their commercial formulas you buy in any public store source. Obtaining enough goldenseal root often can be a problem as well---so we learned years ago to make this formula 6 months to 1 year in advance if we did not want to risk running out.

"IF" I ever believed I could not make the LBB formula in the future, I would freeze enough of the powder for a lifetime and make the capsules at home if I had to. Not long ago the gov tried to stop people from making their own home made capsules by restricting the sales of the little $20 machine to do it with and that did not last very long and for as long as bulk empty capsules are made and sold---anyone can make their own herbal powders into their own capsules at home.

For now they make machines that can make as many capsules as desired because we live in the wonderful machine age of inventions…. so we are all very lucky compared to our ancestors.

I personally can not imagine living today with out the LBB Herbal Blend Formula and yet----99.9999% of the world is clueless………..

Today on vacations you see the adults drinking booze and coffee and over 1/2 have pot bellies…..if you listen to any health seminar today the speakers are so horrible, such liars or just dumbed down sales people that it is easy to understand why most all people will die as a result of powerful drugs in a hospital bed way too soon in their lifetime.



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